Monday, May 28, 2007

I'll make this quick.

For some reason, every time I sit in front of my computer for even a short period of time I get very dizzy and my pinky finger begins to tingle and fall asleep.

I fairly sure I have bad circulation, and today I realized this could be due to the fact that I smoke a pack of cigarettes a day. So around 5 o clock, I quit smoking.

At precisely 9:51 I drove to Rite Aid to buy some binders for my final school projects, and I ended up buying a pack of cigarettes and a bottle of Toasted Head Cabernet Sauvignon.

Every time I quit smoking I get crazy ideas. Often I pretend I'm on one of those Vh1 Celebreality TV shows, only it's only an hour long special about me trying to quit smoking. I picture the camera crew around me, and the disappointed looks i would get from them if after just 4 hours of not smoking, I light up.

It never works.

So I bought my last pack of cigarettes. And it truly is my last pack. I've decided if I want to smoke for the rest of my life then I'm allowed to. But I'm only allowed to smoke cigarettes that were originally packaged in the box that is sitting in my lap at this very moment. If i want to smoke, then I'll have to make the 19 remaining cigarettes in the pack last for the next 70 some odd years.

I think I'll waste one now.